What are family constellations?

Working with family constellations is a form of systemic coaching.

You probably know the expression: “That’s in my system.” and then (silently) after that: “I really can’t do it any different…”.

That is how it is in my system.

It is precisely that system that you can gain insight into with a constellation. During a constellation we can investigate how it is possible that you are stuck in that system and why you think that you really can’t it differently.
We then see if we can break through that system. Sometimes this is already possible with 1 constellation, sometimes several are needed (in combination with coaching). What it always yields in any case is insight. And when the moment is right, there is movement. Movement in the system. How much movement is up to you, and I am there as a constellationer and coach to guide you during that process.

Tell me more!

A constellation is a method that helps to visualize dynamics, for example those of family systems. These dynamics affect all of us at a deep unconscious level.

Because they are deeply unconscious, you normally do not notice them, while they can still hinder you. A family constellation brings these unconscious dynamics to light, and subsequently more peace, balance and connection can be worked on in the entire (family) system. It also ensures that you become self-aware of unconscious patterns. A family constellation goes to the heart of the problem and that often ensures that someone can take a big step in his or her personal development.

A constellation is an  intense and powerful way of coaching!

A family constellation shows patterns and unconscious ties in the family systems.
It causes the system to be ‘reordered’. More balance is created when everyone can take their own (energetic) place again.
It targets the layer of the soul.

The starting point is that as a child you -unconsciously and out of love- took on the problems and emotions of parents or other family members. We call this an entanglement. These so-called entanglements are expressed in our adult life in various areas of life: in relationships, work, health, etc.

For example, by looking at any entanglements in a constellation, they can be returned to the person they belong to. This gives a new order, balance and recognition of everything and everyone in the system.

And then… movement!

Forms of constellations:

* Live constellation: Together with a group of real people we set up a constellation. We call these people representatives. Representatives represent a person, thing, feeling, etc. from your system. You choose from the group who represents who or what. As the constellationer, I will then ask what the representatives what their feelings are in their position. Based on the answers, you gain insight into your system, and thus also an answer to your question.

* Table constellation:  During a 1 on 1 coaching conversation, we can set up a table constellation using different materials. During this constellation, we can’t ask the things on the table what’s on their minds and what they’re feeling. Instead, we mainly look at your own position in relation to the others and what that means in relation to the question you have. Based on the insight you may already take other actions, I will help you formulate these yourself and with the help of follow-up coaching you will actively work to achieve a lasting change.

* On-line constellation: During an online coach conversation we can create a setup using a powerpoint slide with different figures and symbols. During this setup, we can’t ask things on the slide what’s on their minds and what they’re feeling. Instead, we mainly look at your own position in relation to the other cases you are drafting and what that means in relation to the question you have. Based on the insight you may already take other actions, I will help you formulate these yourself and with the help of follow-up coaching you will actively work to achieve a lasting change.

Are you interested in getting started with constellations, breaking with your current patterns and going into the future with new energy? Send an email to info@keescoach.nl for an introductory meeting.

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